Wednesday, October 24, 2012


The Municipal Stadium Wetlands are a very important resource for the Springfield and Wittenberg communities, as well as, a very beautiful, peaceful and idyllic location that can be enjoyed by the Springfield and Wittenberg communities. The Springfield community has certainly taken notice of the Wetlands importance with a recent article in the Springfield News Sun, about the wetlands and their value, in terms of a wetlands capacity to capture pollutions and impurities. A link to the article mentioned is However, as an individual who was born and raised in Springfield, I hope that this beautiful and educational place can be maintained and kept clean and welcoming, rather than attracting negativity. The Municipal Stadium Wetlands must be maintained as a positive place, that allows positive individuals to gather their without feeling unsafe or wary of their surroundings, because it is such an important resource, as well as a very pleasant place where people can enjoy nature.
-Stefan Latham

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